Documentation of Table astrometry

Available criterias

objectNametextobject name
surveytextsurvey name
odatnumericJD date of observation
ranumericright ascension in degrees (!)
decnumericdeclination in degrees
magnumericobserved magnitude. Take care to filter used, magnitude can be inaccurate see survey details.
obstextobservatory code
runtextobservation run

Output table

objNametextobject actual name
oldNametextobject name at observation moment (running name)
obs_datetextobservation date in YYYY MM DD.DDDDD format
jul_datenumericobservation date in JD
ra_strtextright ascension in HH MM SS.SSS format
ra_degnumericright ascension in degrees
dec_strtextdeclination in +DD MM SS.SS format
dec_degnumericdeclination in degrees
obs_magnumericobserved magnitude. Take care to filter used, magnitude can be inaccurate see survey details.
filtertextfilter used
obs_codtextobservatory code
cameratextHow observation is made MPC format, see "Note 2". It is quasi systematically "C" because it is CCD observations.
ins_datetextdate of insertion or modification of data
discovtext"*" if this observation is the discovery of the object " " for others.
notetextsome remarks
x_residnumericX residuals of positioning
y_residnumericY residuals of positioning
run_nametextname of the run
photo_hosttexthost where the photo is hosted
photo_idtextid of the photo
photo_chiptextchip id used for the photo
hiddennumericsome other astrometries of this object hidden because you have no required rights, orbits will also be unavailable

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