By default all avialable rows is returned. You can select only some records by using Condition selection. It is a constraint to restrict selection of data. It can include multiple sub constraints linked by boolean operators.
Operator | Operation | Description |
! | Not | Prefix a condition to invert it. |
& | And | Both conditions must be true to get the record selected. |
| | Or | If one of this condition (or both) is true then the record is selected. Operators "|" and ";" are equivalent. Be careful, the "|" is a pipe, not a lowercase "i". |
; | ||
This boolean operators have the same precedence than classically in mathematics : "Not" have priority on "And" and "And" have priority on "Or". It is possible to use parenthesis to modify this behavior.
Description | Function | Remarks |
Must be a or b | a|b | We can also write ";" : a;b. |
Greater than 5 and lower than 10 | >5&<10 | We can also use the interval 5..10 but with this other solution 5 and 10 will be included. |
Greater than 5 and lower than 10 or 15 | >5&<10|15 | The "&" have priority on the "|". |
Is into 2..12 but not in 5..7 | 2..12&!5..7 | We can write 2..5|7..12 but in this case 5 and 7 will be included unlike the first solution. |
All but not a and not b. | !a&!b | We can also use !(a|b) |
Because it is generally impossible to write all possibilities (think to numeric values) conditions can use tokens or comparison operators. This differs according the type of column.
Data can be NULL. NULL means no value not zero. "NA" selects only NULL value and "!NA" select only non NULL value. NULL is shown as an empty cell.
A text is a sequence or characters. It is possible to just write the text or surround it with simple quote (') or double quote ("), of course it is required to finish the text with the same quote than it began. The advantage of surrounding it with quotes is to avoid interpretation of some special characters. It is also possible to protect some characters to be considered as a part of the text and not an operator. In some cases this manipulation is unavoidable for example to avoid confusion between a quote in the text and the end of the text.
It is possible to escape characters following this codes :
Character | Escaped character | Unavoidable if text surrounded by ... | ||
nothing | single quote (') | double quote (") | ||
Tabulation * | \t | X | X | X |
New line * | \n | X | X | X |
\ | \\ | X | X | X |
' | \' | X | X | |
" | \" | X | X | |
( | \( | X | ||
) | \) | X | ||
& | \& | X | ||
! | \! | X | ||
; | \; | X |
* : will be translated in space with some exportation formats.
Text columns use the same token than the SQL "LIKE" condition :
Token | Description |
_ | Any single character |
% | String of zero or more characters |
Description | Function | Remarks |
Select "L3w04" only | L3w04 | No token only the text selected permitted. |
Select all "L3w" | L3w% | The string begin with L3w and eventually continue. |
Select all strings of 5 characters | _____ | The token "_" is repeted 5 times. |
Select all strings of at last 1 character | _% | The token "_" for the first character and "%" for others. |
String containing "abc". | %abc% | Tokens on both sides of the demand. |
String terminating with "xyz". | %xyz | Tokens at begin of the demand. |
Operator | Description | Example |
= | Equality (the "=" is optional) | 5 |
!= | Inequality | !=5 |
>= | Greater or equal | >=5 |
> | Strictly greater | >5 |
<= | Smaller or equal | <=5 |
< | Strictly smaller | <5 |
.. | Interval (includes boundaries) | 5..10 |
± | Interval defined by mean value and semi amplitude (± can be writed +/-) | 5+/-1 |
Description | Function | Remarks |
Only 42 | 42 | Single value. |
Only 42 | =42 | Single value (with the optional "="). |
Approximatively 12 with uncertainty of 2 | 12+/-2 | Between 10 and 14. 10 and 14 are included. |
Between 13 and 15 | 13..15 | 13 and 15 are included. |
Not between 13 and 15 | <13;>15 | Using ";" to select both lower than 13 and greater than 15. |
Strange thing | >13;<15 | Greater than 13 or lower than 15. It select all not NULL values ! Are you mismatch > and < ? If not you should enter "!NA". |
You can just enter the type of dynamic class to select all object in it. Classes are "classical", "detached", "resonant" and "scattering".
For "detached" and "scattering", they have no other details on it to perfect your selection. Others can be refined as described below.
For classical objects you can give details of what belt the object must be in. It can be "inner", "main" or "outer".
You can search any resonant objects with any planet and any fraction using simply "resonant".
If you want to search an object resonant with a planet you can prepend this first letter to "resonant", for example "Nresonant" for Neptune. Possibilities are : H=Mercury, V=Venus, E=Earth, M=Mars, J=Jupiter, S=Saturn, U=Uranus, N=Neptune. Note the objets resonant to an other planet than Neptune should be rare in a TNO database.
If you want to search an object at a given resonance, you can give the fraction formatted in x:y format.
Obviously you can use this both filters, for example "Nresonant 3:2" will select all Plutoid (resonance 3:2 with Neptune).
Description | Function | Remarks |
All resonant objects | resonant | |
Plutoid (resonance 3:2 with Neptune) | Nresonant 3:2 | |
All classical objects | classical | |
Object in inner classical belt | classical inner | |
Detached objects | detached | |
Scattering objects | scattering |