TNO database webservice : data functions
Returns a list of items corresponding to selected conditions.
For list of conditions available see the "Available tables" page for the table you want.
getDatas(table, cookie, conds);
getDatasFormat(format, table, cookie, conds);
- format: output format
- table: items to export (ex: astrometry)
- cookie: the cookie obtained by getNewCookie or empty string for public data
- conds: conditions required to select a entry
The getDatas function returns a array containing hashmap containing data. For getDatasFormat the output is a text formated in selected format.
Parameter in URL:
- table: items to export (ex: astrometry)
Parameters in GET arguments:
- format: output format (default: json)
- cookie: a cookie or empty string for public data (default: public data only)
- conds: conditions required to select a entry formatted in JSON and URL encoded (default: get all available data)
HTTP return code should be "200" and formatted data is returned in response body.
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